Leno And President Obama Talk KKK

I watched President Obama on the Jay Leno show last night, and thought the whole thing was going rather well. The Tonight Show host was doing a good job of letting the President cut loose, so to speak. That is until Leno asked him about those incredibly dumb talented, selfcentered community oriented, and exemplary klan family the Kardashians.

By the time I managed to find the change-channel button on the remote in the dark (why aren’t all remotes glow in the dark anyway?) it was too late to not overhear the quick exchange about the so-called reality TV stars, Kim, Kourtney and Kloe (KKK).

Apparently he and Mrs. Obama don’t want their daughters watching the Kardashians on E! He didn’t say why, but no explanantion is really needed, is it?

In any event, I’m glad I caught what our nation’s leader had to say about this mindless show. Frankly,  what he said wasn’t anything to write home about except for one person: Momma Kardashian. She was so impressed with herself that she had to let her 1.4 million followers know of her accomplishment.

This morning, an unsuspecting tweet flew by my stream from none other than Kriss Jenner (I confess, I follow all of  THEM. How else would I know what fashion, travel and oh-so-hip things NOT to copy?) confirming that the President had uttered their name.

Kriss Jenner was certainly feeling validated.  I just hope they never get invited to the White House for a press dinner or any other affair that would elevate them to a level where they might actually end up on a text book or historical record for having contributed something positive to our culture — perhaps only as proof of the declining state of our society’s moral fabric.

We already know they’re tweets are being archived by the government. That should be enough evidence for at least a couple of generations to understand what happened to us.

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