Comic-Con 2014 is Off to A Swimming Start with Sharknado2 and Penguins of Madagascar

Thursday, I excitedly attended the Dreamworks press conference for the upcoming animated film “Peguins of Madagascar,” starring Benedict Cumberbatch and John Malkovich. After a 30 minute delay, film directors Simon J. Smith and Eric Darnell made an appearance. After another fifteen minutes, Tom McGrath, the voice of Skipper, and Malkovich graced us with their presence. Cumberbatch was MIA.

"Penguins of Madagascar" Directors Simon Smith and Eric Darnell, John Malkovich, and Tom McGrath Photo S. Valle

“Penguins of Madagascar” Directors Simon Smith and Eric Darnell, John Malkovich, and Tom McGrath Photo S. Valle

Malkovich spoke to us in a subdued tone while he explained why he finds voicing this particular “bad” guy, Dr. Octavious Brine, fun.

“This character is different because he’s rather happy, lazy, not particularly profound or remorseful. And that, of course, is always a pleasure.”

Skipper’s voice was originally based and intended for actor Robert Stack who passed away.  “This one’s for you,” noted the casting director.

“Penguins of Madagascar” release date, November 26, 2014.

The press core trapped in the cramped Hilton Bayfront room was visibly disappointed when the announcement was made that the “12 Years a Slave” actor would not be showing up.  The official reason given at the conference was that Cumberbatch’s flight was delayed. However, photos of him at the press line in the room next door surfaced within minutes of the print and media session.

And those, my friends, are the Hollywood shenanigans during the first day of the Con!

Wednesday, or Preview Night in Con speak, Sharknado2 took over the streets of the Gaslamp District in downtown San Diego handing out coveted swag — a T-shirt and shark-shaped gummies — in exchange for a tweet or Instagram post.

Sharknado2 Comic-Con 2014 2

Sharknado2 at Comic-Con 2014

By the looks of it, New York will be getting attacked yet again by this astonishing phenomenon called Sharknado.

Meanwhile, inside the convention center floor, throngs congregated en mass to also collect freebies or enjoy  unique fan experiences set up by Hollywood studios.

A&E built a replica of Norman Bates’ creepy basement from the hit show Bates Motel. Fans can have a digital photo snapped of them standing behind a taxidermy table pretending to stab real taxidermy animals.  The photo includes the show’s logo and  a moving bird waiting to be killed by you.

Comic-Con 2014 Bates Motel


There’s a lot going on inside and outside Comic-Con. Thanks to SD Bargain Mama,  this morning I filmed a little video for ABC2’s The List, telling you about Free Family Friendly things to do during Comic-Con. Watch this video!



  1. laura says:

    Leave it to you to nail the Bates look and still be gorgeous!!
    I always love your Comic-Con photos and posts. I’m so bummed I never made it to this event while living in CA. But i will visit CC each year vicariously through you.

  2. I LOVE that Norman Bates picture! It should be your new profile pic. LOL. 🙂

  3. Maryann says:

    That Bates picture is classic!! LOVE it! I agree with Maggie— I see a profile pic in the future! 😉


  1. […] faced the terror of “Sharknado 2″ last year, now brace yourself for another epic bout with these relentless […]

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