Walt Disney Animation Studios’ latest hit movie, “Zootopia,” arrives June 7 on Blu-ray + DVD, Digital HD, Disney Movies Anywhere and On-Demand.
Described by Forbes as Disney’s newest classic movie, “Zootopia” broke box office records grossing over $850 million worldwide. This put “Zootopia” in third place as one of Disney’s all-time highest grossing movies behind “Frozen” and “The Lion King. It is #10 among all animated features like “Shrek” and “Minions.”
You can own this bit of animated-feature history when “Zootopia” hits store shelves June 7.
While we wait for the big release day, here are some fun facts and activities you and your family can enjoy.
- The Police Cruiser was designed so the larger speicies could drive it. Filmmakers enlisted the helpf of J. Mays, formerly the chief creative officer at Ford Motor Company, to come up with a vehicle that could withstand the size and weight of a rhino or elephant, and navigate it through the tundra, dessert and rainforest.
- Moosehead’s antlers made designing his car a challenge. Mays decided an open top car was best for this animal.
- Giraffe’s car had to accommodate head room while at the same time giving the car the ability to turn in tight corner without tipping over. An accordion in the middle solved this problem.
- And the Pig car? That one has a snout and a wind screen that looks like pig ears!
Is anybody hungry after reading all these fun facts? Let’s make some Bunnyburrow Carrot Cake, then!
Here’s the recipe for you to print! zootopia-recipes
Only one more week until you can watch “Zootopia” at home. Will you be rushing out to get the DVD June 7?
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