How timely! After posting the previous blog about the Jonas Brothers, they made a surprise appearance on May 19th at Adobe Bluffs Elementry School in San Diego, which apparently won an online contest. Can you imagine how exciting it must have been to have the most popular teen band in the United States actually performing on your own school's playground? But the serious kudos go to everyone who was able to keep this event such a guarded secret since it appears only the school children and a few locals were there.
These boys certainly like surprises because earlier this year they made another surprise visit at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles, while thousands of fans were waiting to purchase tickets for their concerts. This surprise visit was actually filmed as part of a promo for their When You Look Me in the Eyes tour.
Wouldn't it be great if the Jonas Brothers surprised all of their fans in San Diego by adding our city to their upcoming Burning Up tour schedule? Hint, hint …
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