My Dress Went to The Oscars Without Me!

Going to the Oscars is nearly impossible for us common folk. Unless you are related to one of the nominees, part of The Academy, or credentialed press, you’ll probably never see the inside of the Dolby (Kodak) Theater when this mother of all award shows is on.

Of course, the next best thing is to have your dress go without you, right?

Yup. My lucky dress went to the Oscars without me! Can you believe that?

I’m sure you’re asking yourself how this happened, but like any good girlfriend you can probably already imagine how this came about. I let my good friend Editor-in-Chief of The Wrap, then Washington Post reporter, Sharon Waxman wear it to one of her first Red Carpet assignments in Los Angeles, California.

In fact, the Oscars were still being handed out at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion — that’s how long ago this happened (circa 1990’s).

My black, ankle length, racer back Laura Ashley dress had been hanging in my closet (tags still attached) since I’d bought it in London, England before moving back permanently to the United States. It was one of those impulse purchases I’d made realizing I might never get back to the British isle, and fearing my love for all things Laura Ashley would never be satisfied again.


I kept the simple black frock wrapped up in its original plastic bag and neatly hung awaiting just the right occasion to rip it open and slip into my prized possesion. A year had gone by and that special occasion hadn’t presented itself. Instead, I had a child which pulled my body further away from ever fitting into my cherished size 6 dress anytime soon.

On one of my dear friend’s trips down from L.A. to visit me, she mentioned she had been assigned to the Red Carpet and had nothing to wear. Since Sharon and I had lived in the UK attending school together, I thought she’d appreciate the British style and sentimental value of the simple black gown gathering dust in my closet. I whipped it out and what do you know, she loved it!

In her words, “It’s the perfect length. I won’t trip on it.” 

And off the dress went with her (and without me) to the most revered of movie award ceremonies! However, the story has little twist.

I let her borrow the dress and only asked her to do me a little favor: that she wave to me on TV from her spot on the Red Carpet. We even agreed she would do this by the E! News cameras. This request seemed simple to us then. Little did we know her resolute intent on complying with my petition would cause a bit of a problem–and the irony was that the “Fashion Police” host herself would be the one to cause it.

You  see, as a reporter Sharon did not have a camera man with her, only a simple paper pad for her to keep notes to write a piece for the paper after interviewing attending celebs. So, she looked for the camera because I’d advised her I’d be watching the Red Carpet on the entertainment news channel.

She got as close as possible to the camera and waved  to me while the TV host was critiquing the conspicuous gowns the stars were parading by in. (Her bravery knows no boundaries.) But, the TV comedian host wasn’t up to sharing the lens that day and reprimanded the budding reporter for un-reporter like conduct.

Can you believe that stiff-faced woman?

At any rate, I’m very proud of my valiant friend, and can only tell you she has gone on to much bigger and better things. In fact, she’s kind of my boss now, Editor-in-Chief of her own publication,, but she doesn’t like me to call her that.

Oh, there’s one last twist to this story.

Before my friend drove back to L.A. with my cherished dress to cover the Oscars, I’d made another little request (again, a really simple one I thought), just take a photo of yourself next to one of the monster Oscar statues wearing my dress.
 And, she did!!!  This time without incident!

Thank you Sharon! I’m sure you, my dress, and I will never forget this little Oscars tale.

Tune in to ABC to watch the 82nd Oscar Academy Awards this Sunday, March 7th. Check your local listings for times.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Great post. This means it is time for you to go shopping for another dress…'just in case'!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ooh! I hadn't thought of that!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Stopping by from SITS to read your Oscar worthy story 🙂 At least a piece of you came close to the Oscars…not many can say even that much 🙂 Hope you're having a great day in San Diego!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for coming over, Heather. Glad you found my post 'Oscar worthy'.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great story! Can't wait for the big night. One of my faves of the year!!! 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mine, too! Wish we could all go to the Oscar Party at The W Hotel. It'd be pretty swanky!


  1. […] My dress went to the Oscars without me one year. […]

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