A big welcome to Bonni Georgi. She's www.MamarazziKnowsBest.com newest partner!
Bonnie will be a great new resource for families navigating the Video Game industry. You can read more about Bonni's reviews on her website: www.EforEverybody.com. Follow her on Twitter @EforEveryone.
Now, here's Bonni!
I have been playing computer games for over 25 years. I began my journey with interactive text games with no graphics on an Apple IIe home computer and I’ve never looked back. I have a love affair with computer video games. Although my life’s careers took me through a varied list of other industries, I have never let go of my passion for gaming.
People are always so surprised to learn that it’s me and not my husband that is the family gamer!
I currently work by day as the Director of Training for Pacific Solutions; a software development and implementation company here in San Diego. In some of my spare time I write a blog reviewing video games for parents. Over the years I’ve been counsel to close friends about video game content for their children of all ages. Even though I’m an avid gamer, I do realize it is a challenge for parents to understand what really exists in a game and whether a particular game is appropriate for their children and family environment.
I want my blog to be a help to parents as an additional resource for reviewing games before purchase!
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