The film “Race to Nowhere“ tackles the topic of over-scheduled, stressed out school-age children and their parents eager to secure a spot not only in a college, but a 'good' college. We need some balance. The scale is tipping more and more in one direction, and “Race” is the counterbalance demonstrating the need to re-center […]
Suzette Valle of Mamarazzi Knows Quoted on
February 4, 2011 By 11 Comments
Why MTV Should Stop the Public Health Spin on 'Skins'. New Post at The Wrap
February 2, 2011 By 3 Comments
My new post at The Wrap is up! “If diversification is the answer to surviving potential business failures, MTV, you may have diversified into a field that you probably have no business in: trying to educate this country's youth by what seems to be reverse psychology. MTV, why do you have to dial up the […]