To celebrate the return of “12 Days of Deals” on December 8, Microsoft Stores has created a humorous video series focusing on surviving ’Holiday Emergencies.’ The collection of 12 videos will follow a family as they embark on the holiday season. Stories are narrated through the eyes of a quirky flight attendant as she guides our characters through ‘Holiday Emergencies’ (burnt cookies, awkward families, etc.) and take place everywhere from home to work, and even the inevitable boring office party.
The families struggle through their situation, ultimately uncovering the Microsoft Deal of the Day as the ideal solution to their Holiday Emergency. Here’s a sneak peak of the video series launched this morning.
The 12-day video series will live on the Microsoft Store You Tube page, with each video going live once a day to coincide with the daily exclusive deal unveiled in-store and on
These deals are a great way to get those last minute holiday gifts without breaking the wallet!
Also, mark your calendars for the upcoming Cookie Swap’s at Microsoft at Fashion Valley Mall. This location will be hosting a Cookie Party workshop on Saturday, December 6th–attendees have the opportunity to learn how Microsoft Office tools including OneNote and OneDrive can modernize the way we manage recipes, shopping lists, etc. – just in time for the holidays as get-togethers with families and friends are being planned!
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