The Good Dinosaur Review: Work Through Your Fears

TheGoodDinosaur Arlo and Spot fireflies

Photo with permission from Disney/Pixar.


Here’s a quick review of Disney/Pixar’s “The Good Dinosaur.”

SPOILER ALERT! Read at your own risk.

You or your children may have to work through your own fears while watching this movie.

“The Good Dinosaur” is rated PG. Parents need to know that this is a hard PG rating (not leaning towards a G film) for a lot of peril, scary scenes with predators, and a parent dies on screen (not off in the distance). There are many beautiful scenes with realistic photo backgrounds of forests and snow capped mountains, but also of menacing waterfalls and deadly rushing river currents.

Arlo the dino, and his adorable-but-tough companion Spot, the puppy-like human, have to overcome many obstacles, and though the message of getting through your fears is central to the story, young children may be frightened by near death scenes and close ups of Pterodactyl eating their prey.

“You are more than me, and more” Arlo’s poppa.

There’s also a scene when Arlo and Spot eat some strange berries and appear to get drunk or high. 😳

Though this children’s film pushes the boundaries of courage and conquering fears, it is worth sitting through the tense situations. The movie has funny dialogue, very sweet and warm moments of deep love for family, true friendship, and unyielding loyalty.
“You have to earn your mark in this world.” Poppa
The CGI in “The Good Dinosaur” is absolutely breathtaking! Watching this film in 3D really enhanced the beauty of this incredible work.
Good Dino with T-Rex

Photo with permission from Disney/Pixar

However, this film was a little darker than I expected it to be, and also made me tear up a couple of times (but most Disney/Pixar films do this to me anyway). For very young kids, watching it in 3D may frighten them a little more. You may want to consider this before paying for this type of ticket.

For more about “The Good Dinosaur,” read my interview with the story board artist who brought the script to life, Rosie Sullivan.

“The Good Dinosaur” Rated PG for peril, action and thematic elements.

Runtime 100 minutes

Opens November 25, 2015


  1. Hil says:

    This looks so cute! I want to go see this!

  2. Melissa says:

    Great to know! We have tickets for tomorrow. Our kids are pretty tender hearted so we will have to prepare them~ and me 😉

  3. Interesting to hear that it’s a little dark. I’m going to see it this weekend. We don’t have kids so that will be an issue, but I’d better bring tissues for myself!

  4. Abby says:

    This looks so cute! My husband and I will probably go since we don’t have children yet 🙂

    Abby //


  1. […] they work together to get across treacherous landscape and escape predators. As I had mentioned in my review of this movie, there are some frightening moments in this film that maybe scary for younger […]

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