On this month’s The AV Life podcast, three guests discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly about Comic-Con 2017. Local marketing podcaster and Strategic Marketing Consultant, Megan Powers, invited me to join her broadcast along with two other guests.
Have a listen, and if you’d like, please also share your experiences with us here, or play along by answering the questions below. And be sure to read on for a little surprise giveaway!
What was the best panel you attended?
What the best swag you got?
And what would be your superpower?
Be sure to write your answers in the comments.
If you weren’t at the convention and would like some Comic-Con swag for yourself, you’re in luck. I’m hosting a small giveaway! Simply answer the following question correctly in the comments section.
What superpower would I like to have? The answer to this question is in the podcast.
One random winner will be selected next week. The winner will get one issue of the New York Times bestselling series”DC SuperHero Girls” graphic novel.
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