Thank you 2009, it was nice knowing you. Overall, you were good to me and I’m grateful for that. I had the chance to do some things I never imagined myself doing. Like these 9 in 2009 highlights:
· Got my first (hopefully not the last) celeb interview! Steven Banks, the talented writer for SpongeBob Squarepants, agreed to answer some questions one-on-one! This was so cool! (And my cool mom factor went up a notch, too!)
· Applied and got press passes to Comic-Con and Disneyland. (Second notch added to cool-mom factor)
· I was asked to produce a little commercial with a complementary video camera. I Flipped for this one!
· Reviewed an Iphone App for the Princeton Review. Is my academician side showing?
· Test drove and reviewed cars. I want to do this again.
· Starbucks (the gods of coffee!) sponsored my coffee to take and test while I was in Europe.
· Writing for the, the Hollywood publication. I never imagined I would have a connection with Hollywood!
· Giving back to my community is by far the best. Now, my family has a plaque hanging at the high school softball field in recognition of the scoreboard we gave to this facility.
· And, most importantly, my family is healthy and intact and I’ve made new friends, too. At my age, it’s a blessing and I’m always glad when I have room in my heart for new friendships.
Without the support of my family and loyal friends who believe in me, I would not have been able to go down this exciting path. You know who you are (or aren’t), and I thank you for being my sounding board, sponsors, editors, proof readers, and even muses. You have no idea how much I rely on you!
Someone I had only just met and scarcely spent a day with a few months ago told me, “You are fearless!” just about sums up my character which helped me explore new outlets for my energy – a trait I sometimes wish was a bit tamer.
As this year ends and the new decade dawns, all I can say is “Watch out 2010, ‘cuz here I come!”
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