This post is brought to you by Mr. Costumes.
Are you and your kids ready to greet the ghouls and goblins who’ll be knocking at your door decked out in their scary finery?
Maybe you’ve been invited to a costume party and will be enjoying some ghouly cupcakes. Or you might be celebrating this traditional fall holiday with your family at Bash on the Bay with me!
Whatever the case may be, time is running out! Halloween is just a couple of weeks away and shopping for Halloween kids costumes can be a bit nerve wracking for parents.
By now, costume inventories have likely dwindled down at your local stores. Keeping the cost and styles under control is also a challenge for some. Add to that multiple shopping trips to different retailers trying to find the perfect princess or superhero costume, and that can end up blowing your budget because you purchased additional items you didn’t intend to. (I know, those Halloween decorations were already marked down and I couldn’t pass them up!)
Why not keep things simple and less costly by shopping online. There’s a seemingly endless variety of cool kids costumes available at the click of a button! No need to stress over parking spots and rummage through messy costume isles trying to find a costume among the leftovers. (We’ve all been there, done that!)
The Internet is our friend, especially at times like these; no hassles, lines, or disappointments!
My personal favorite kind of costume is the scary variety. Yes. I was one of those parents. When my kids were young, I always told them that Halloween was supposed to be scary. If my daughter wanted to be a princess (and what little girl doesn’t?) I would make her up as the zombie version of Bella of Beauty and the Beast. My son didn’t have a problem with blood and gore, the more the better — typical boy!
Of course, when they were very little, toddlers actually, we did the more traditional costumes likeĀ a PirateĀ and Fairy Princess.
Do I wear costumes for Halloween, you ask? Of course! No self-respecting Halloween fan wouldn’t!
If you weren’t feeling motivated to get your kids costumes (and one for yourself while you’re at it!) before you read this, I hope you are now.
And after you’ve purchased your kids Halloween costumes, why not show them to me at the Sea Port Village Halloween Bash on the Bay where I’ll be judging costumes. I hope you’ll come by and say hi!
Oh! If you do go down to Seaport Village for the bash and you don’t recognize me, that’s a good thing. It means my costume and makeup were highly effective!
This post is brought to you by Mr. Costumes.
You would have appreciated how my son was a “MIchael Banks/ Pirate” at Mickeys Halloween Party – LOL – my daughter is not at all into scary, but I think it is funny when people combine something into a zombie version – great post!
Your little Michael Banks/Pirate must have been so cute! You should make that costume work double time. Bring him down to Bash on the Bay and sign him up for the costume contest, Kate!!