Viva Mexico! September 16 is Mexico’s Independence Day

There’s a widespread misconception that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico’s Independence Day. It is not. It’s today, September 16. It was on this day in 1810, that Mexico began a war against colonial masters led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who some say around 6 AM, signaled the beginning of the rebellion to rid the peasants of Spanish oppression with a […]

Maggie Goes on a Diet – Children's Book

Please read the full article here

Survivor Tonight! Welcome Fall TV.

Getting ready to welcome the new fall season of television shows is really quite a momentous occasion around here. The summer entertainment abyss is about to be filled with either mindless sitcoms, poignant, or funny programs which might keep us coming back for more each week. This is what shows like Survivor, and Amazing Race have […]

Missoni Mayhem!

I succumbed to the hype about Target's Limited Edition Missoni designed line of clothes and home goods which hit stores yesterday (September 13), and crashed the company's website for the entire day. However, I was not part of a stampede of shoppers who raided Target stores. On the contrary. When I arrived at my nearest […]

Guest Post: Teen Financial Education in San Diego

5 Tips to Help Your Teen become a More Financially Successful Adult <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />  When it comes to learning about the basics of financial management, the more you know and the earlier you know it, the better. Many students head off to college without having an understanding of personal […]