Touch&Know® Drug Test Kit Essential In Arsenal of Parenting Tools

Besides death, a parent’s worst nightmare is to find out your child is involved with potential killers: drugs or alcohol. No amount of sugar-coating this topic will change the harsh reality that drugs and alcohol have permeated every level of society and practically affect every age group. Recently, some third-grade kids were caught smoking pot […]

Bridges Connect! Hosts “Drop to Shop” Kids Event in San Diego

Bridges Connect! the company dedicated to helping families connect through fitness and fun, has planned a full day of exciting and healthy activities to keep your children entertained while you finish your holiday shopping! Drop your children off at Bridges Connect! in Mission Valley on Saturday, December 14, for a day of carefree holiday shopping for you and a […]

Empty Nest. Full Heart. Quiet Mind.

It’s here, and there is no turning back. The day our youngest of two children left for college, and I had to decorate our Christmas tree all by myself! I really thought this day would never come! Joking aside, it’s been about three months since we traveled to New York to drop her off at […]

Halloween Fun from FoodNetwork — Ghouly Cupcakes

Is it too early for Halloween posts? Not entirely. Especially if you’ve been to any mass retailer who’s already decked out their shopping halls with bows of holly! Let’s slow down and take one holiday at time, shall we? Enjoying holiday traditions is a special time in our homes; decorating and bonding over cooking meals or […]

Let the Cyrus-VMA thing go away, already. Or, do something about it!

The conversation about Miley Cyrus’s raunchy VMA’s performance just won’t quit! Many blogs and major news sites are still reporting the backlash resulting from the unexpected low-level antics the 20 year-old pulled off on national cable television. She obviously did this with the consent of MTV network execs and her entourage, which by the way […]