Latest at “Incredible Trifecta of Tarts”

What an incredible Trifecta of Tarts hit the media outlets recently! In first place is the 7 year old “Single Ladies” video of a hip hop dance contest for tender tots which shows them popping and grinding with their best Beyonce impersonation, and clad in Victoria Secret-like underwear.   Coming in second is the HOrrific Miley […]

Latest at Lay Low Lilo!

  Lindsay Lohan Careening Towards a Career Dead End Is it time for Lindsay Lohan to lay low? I think so, and I tell you why in my latest Hollyblog at

Do you have a Justin Beiber-Obsessed Teen?

“I still don't get why the networks want to bank on putting kid celebs on their late-night shows. What's the target audience, and what could having a teen singer on at midnight possibly do for their ratings but provide a short-lived spike while exposing young viewers to some inappropriate content?” My latest post about the […]

Feed the Kids for a Week, or Take Them to the Movies?

My new post at Theaters are raising their ticket prices! IMAX and 3D movies will see the real hike, of up to $3, increasing the per ticket cost to $15! I say this is like date-rape. What do you think?

My New Post at The “Alice” On Display

The anticipation for this film has been building among local youngsters since last summer when director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp surprised attendees in Hall H where the movie trailer debuted at Comic-Con in San Diego. However, discussions about the tight grip this motion picture has had on eager adolescents, including ours, have been going down the rabbit hole faster than Alice herself.
“Johnny Depp is my age. He's old enough to be your father!” remarks the over-protective dad to his little girl.
“Yeah, but he's way cooler and cute,” replies the entranced youngster who won't relent on her zeal for all things Depp.