The College Application Process Fails Students

I give the college-application process in the United States a big, fat F! In recent years, the pressure to get into not-just-any college, but one of the top 100 universities as ranked by any of the major publications touting expertise in this field, has reached a failing point. The prevailing winds of change are plaguing […]

Pass on the UCLA Scholarship Combs, Pay It Forward

Excuse me while I wipe the taste of revulsion off my mouth! It was an uncontrollable reaction after hearing news that P. Diddy’s son, Justin Combs, was not only admitted to one of the most difficult colleges to get into, but was also offered a scholarship to play football for the UCLA Bruins. The millionaire […]

Top High Schools in the Nation Named in Newsweek

In this hyper-competitive time in a high school students life, the last thing they want to hear is that they are going to the wrong high school; a school that might not give them the competitive edge they need to become optimal candidates for college. This is precisely the message that a new list from NEWSWEEK might […]