Disney Films Score 17 Oscar Nominations Inlcuding Lincoln, Avengers, Frankenweenie and Brave

Disney just sent me this great summary of all their Oscar-nominated films with quotes from Sally Field to Steven Spielberg. “The Oscar nominations were announced this morning and The Walt Disney Studios’ earned 17 nominations! Lincoln received 12 nominations including Best Picture and is the most nominated film of the year! Brave, Frankenweenie, Wreck-It Ralph, […]

Comics, and Artists, and Stars. Oh, My! Tim Burton at Comic-Con 2012

Preview Night at Comic-Con 2012 was not as crowded as other years. It was also better organized, and the lines to register flowed quickly and efficiently. One unexpected surprise for this humble blogger on the first day of the convention, was stumbling into none other than Tim Burton! The “Alice and Wonderland” director is in […]

Review of Disney/Pixar’s “Brave”

Photo courtesy of Disney. The prospect of screening the latest Disney/Pixar contrivance, “Brave,” piqued my curiosity. I was looking forward to the stunning 3D animation and clever dialogue Pixar is known for based on classics  like “Finding Nemo,” “Up,” and, of course, the “Toy Story” trilogy. And this is precisely what I got watching “Brave!” […]

Movie Review – DisneyNature Releases “Chimpanzee” on Earth Day 2012

Watching DisneyNature’s new film “Chimpanzee” was an unexpected joy. The film’s storyline is simple yet heartwarming,  and the cinematography is simply breathtaking. The movie follows the life of an infant chip named Oscar and his mother Isha in their quest for survival in the depths of the African forest.  Both are part of a pack […]

‘Avengers’ Assemble on Twitter for Global Chat with Fans!

“MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS” ASSEMBLE ON TWITTER MARVEL STUDIOS SPONSORS GLOBAL TWITTER CHAT WITH DIRECTOR AND CAST FOR FANS AROUND THE WORLD PARTICIPANTS GET TEASE OF “MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS” Photo Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios  Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) joins Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson), and Director Joss Whedon on Twitter 30-SECOND […]