Ratings Reveal Oscars No Longer Olympics of Movie Industry

The results in! The Oscars are no longer the Olympics of the film industry. The 87th Academy Awards’ viewership was down 16%, the lowest in six years. This roughly translates into 36 million viewers. The 2012 London Summer Olympics were one of the most watched on TV in history. Reportedly, over 219.4 million Americans alone […]

My Own Page in the Annals of History at the Olympic Museum in Switzerland

While the world focused on the Winter Olympics in Sochi another significant, Olympics-related, event was taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Olympic Museum opened in 1993, but was closed for refurbishment in 2012. It reopened in 2014 to coincide with the Winter Olympics. Why am I telling you this? In 1984 I was part of […]