College Admissions: Extreme Community and Volunteer Service

The college application process is out of control, especially in the area of community service and volunteerism. Teenagers in their junior year of high school, usually between 16 and 17 years old, are going to what I would consider extreme adventures and ventures, usually funded completely by parents, in order to gain the attention of […]

1984 Los Angeles Olympics Revisited

Sharing family stories and anecdotes with your children is the best way to keep those memories alive and pass them on to the next generation. Every four years, I have the opportunity to bring my family closer and relate the incredible experiences I had at the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles, California. I, along with 29,000 people, volunteered for the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, LAOOC, in exchange for the opportunity to be part of this historic XXIIIrd Olympiad.